Client Appreciation &
Networking Dinner

Took Place on January 11, 2022 at Grillsmith Clearwater

Base Wealth Management held a Special Client Appreciation & Networking Dinner on Tuesday, January 11 at Grillsmith Clearwater.  Author James Miller gave a speech on the concepts and strategies in his newest book, Divorce the IRS: How to Defuse Your Biggest Tax Time Bombs Before You Retire.

Attend & Get a FREE copy!

Many believe it’s a good idea to kick a little of your tax problem down the road by saving money in tax-deferred accounts, like a Traditional 401(k) or IRA. What they don’t realize is this isn’t like kicking a can down the road, it’s more like rolling a wet snowball down a snowy slope! The tax you save today is really just a loan from the IRS that will grow just like that snowball as you head downhill towards retirement, setting off an avalanche of tax time bombs.

Divorce the IRS shows you exactly how the IRS has designed a tax system that incentivizes you to line their coffers over time with your money if you don’t understand the rules. If you want to understand taxes in retirement and turn the tables on the IRS, this book is for you.

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2022 Tax Document Information

As a Base Wealth Management client, you should receive your paper tax documents via mail in the coming weeks. Or, if you previously had an online account with Pershing’s NetX360, you should be able to access your 2022 tax documents through that portal. 

If not, or if you experience any issues, please reach out to Tim O’Brien (

Get a FREE Solo 401(K) Guide

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 *We protect your data and HATE spam.

Get a FREE Roth 457 Guide!

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Get a FREE Roth 401(K) Guide

Simply submit your name and email to receive a PDF straight to your inbox.

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Get a FREE Solo 401(K) 2-Pager for FireFighters

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Get a FREE copy of Divorce the IRS

If you would like to request a physical copy of Divorce the IRS, please fill out the form below.

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 *This book is most suitable for households with $250K or more in investable assets.


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-The Base Wealth Team

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Dan DiLascia

Sean Koscho

